Amy Lewis in collaboration with the dancers
Amy Lewis
Kevin Atkinson, Nick Brentley, Colin Epstein, Zach Fischer, Sonsherée Giles, Barb Lankamp, Carmen Serber
Amy Lewis, Alison Sacha Ross, Xenia Wren
Sections of My Obsession with Hamletmachine were shown as part of the Resident Artist Workshop at The Garage in 2012 and 2013. In an attempt to concretize a twenty year obsession with Heiner Müller’s play Hamletmachine (a work Müller calls “the description of a petrified hope, an effort to articulate a despair so it can be left behind”) Lewis has created a body of text that is slowly being set to dance. (Hamletmachine and Other texts for the Stage, 50) Through the examination of the many historical, political, and literary references and figures embedded in Müller’s play, Lewis attempts to reevaluate history by commenting on autobiographical and biographical stories from an abstract, silent media–that of dance. Lewis plans to show the entire work in 2021.
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